Learn more about our Sponsors and their products!

Northern Pulse Growers Association:

Contact: Brian Gion – gion@northernpulse.com

Midwest Dairy:

Contact: Char Heer – CHEER@midwestdairy.com

North Dakota Soybean Council/The Soyfoods Council:

Contact: Linda Funk – lfunk@flavorfulinsight.com

North Dakota Beef Commission:

Contact: Nancy Jo Bateman – ndbeef@ndbeef.org

Dr. Schar:

Contact: Meghan Donnelly – Meghan.Donnelly@drschar.com

Blue Cross Blue Shield – ND:

Contact: Amber Blomberg – Amber.Blomberg@bcbsnd.com

The YES Group:

Contact: Margene Reno – margene@theyesgroup.com


Contact: Katie Kost – katie.kost@proximal50.com

Vegetarian Nutrition Dietetic Practice Group:

Contact: Annamarie Rodriguez – annamarierd@hotmail.com



Contact: Brenda Powers – brenda.powers@abbott.com