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Dietetics Programs

University of North Dakota

UND – Nutrition and Dietetics

North Dakota State University

NDSU – Health, Nutrition and Exercise Sciences

Concordia College

Nutrition and Dietetics

Additional Resources

Please find more information on becoming an RDN at

Get Involved

Our Student Liaison position is open! Click here for more information.

  • Students interested in the position should submit the following:
    • Resume
    • A letter of recommendation from a NDAND member (this can include faculty members)
    • A short essay (no more than 500 words) describing the student’s interest in the position, the strengths the student will bring to the NDAND BOD and career goals
  • Please email your information to NDAND at:

NDAND Student Award Winners

Each year, NDAND recognizes an “Outstanding Dietetics Student”!

You can check out the previous winners here!

Job Postings

Don’t be afraid to apply early for a job, many jobs will hire new grads before they have their “RD”

Job Board


NDAND offers scholarships to members, students can apply for a free FNCE registration!

The Academy offers scholarships and fellowships as well!

Mentorship Program

The Academy’s new eMentoring system is available to all members. If you’re looking for a mentor or mentee, you can search for one using a variety of parameters such as years of experience, practice area, languages spoken and even types of mentoring. Remember, this system was created to help you find the right mentor or mentee among participating Academy members; how you implement the program is up to you.

Student Scoop e-Newsletter

Student Scoop is the Academy’s exclusive student member e-newsletter. Discover what students are doing to gain experience; read about preparing for internships; and learn about member benefits and

opportunities available to students.

Learn More